RAZOM Welcome Cafe
Upcoming Events in December at Wolverhampton Ukrainian Catholic Church & AUGB Ukrainian CentreSaturday 7th December 11.30am - Ukrainian Catholic ChurchRotary Clubs Carol ServiceFree Entry, donations welcomed.After the Carol Service in the church, there will be mince pies, tea & coffee in the AUGB Hall.This event is organised by the Rotary Clubs of Wolverhampton
Saturday 14th December at 16.30 - AUGB Wolverhampton Ukrainian CentreSt Nicholas Concert & visit by St Nicholas.Free Entry, but donations welcomed.If you would like to take part in the St Nicholas play contact Tommy Gibbons or members of the CYM committee.This event is organised by CYM Wolverhampton.
Saturday 14th December at 19.00 - AUGB Wolverhampton Ukrainian CentreChristmas Party & Buffet.£5.00 Entry, under 16s Free.This event is organised by AUGB & RAZOM Wolverhampton.You MUST book your places with Greg now to avoid disappointment.
Friday 11am-3pm
RAZOM StoreFriday 11am-3pm
Sunday after mass
Email us at
razom.wolves@gmail.comif you have any questions